Thursday, October 22, 2015

Human's Impact

I don’t think of myself as a green person but I do worry about the actual condition of our planet and all the damage we have done as specie along the years. I think we should try to make as little negative impact as possible while we live here. Sadly there is nothing we can do to repair the damage that has already been done but we can stop its progression. From this perspective there is a really good point in being green. I think that people in our society doesn't know or just don’t care. We live in the right now and don’t care much about others that might come after us, or the consequences that our actions as specie might bring to other species. 

As I said in the beginning I don’t consider myself as a green person but I tried to do things to reduce the impact. In my daily life I try to not to use plastic bags and to reuse anything that can be reuse, I don’t own or drive a car so I use public transportation and if I can walk to a place I’ll do it.  I haven’t joined or supported any eco-organization yet, I guess because I’m not really the kind of people that join to things at all if that makes any sense. I would like to do more things to reduce the impact of my life here and create conscience about this subject in the people around me; maybe if we all do that we could make some change


  1. Trying to reduce our impact in the planet as humans is very important, I think we should have mor conscience about this, because is really important to do not harm de planet.

  2. I think it is our duty to help the planet, is very important have more conscience for ours home

  3. You are right, people don't care about nothing :( , that's the reason I think the most important thing is the information!

  4. Claudia!
    I agree! The people just don’t care!!! =(
